Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Why we blog

I was trying to think of something to blog about all morning/beginning of this afternoon and have really turned up with nothing. Then I started thinking about why I blog, and I realized, as one friend has pointed out to me on countless occasions, "Noonan, you LOVE the attention." She's more than right.

I realized that I generally enjoy the company of people. I also enjoy making people laugh; I feel if I haven't made you laugh and I've known you for longer than 5 or 10 minutes, I've not really done a good job at being me. Mind you, I'm not a comedian by trade, and have never thought to myself "Noonan, you're a funny bastard. You should do stand-up." But I'd like to think I'm witty enough to get a chuckle out of folks. So this is one reason I blog.

I also blog to make money. Yeah, that's right, I make money off you people. Thank you, in advance. I should qualify this fact, actually quantify this fact, with the raw numbers: I've made $1.33 over a week and a half. So I'll take y'all out to lunch sometime in the next 3 years when I've made enough off of you. Thanks for clicking my ads, in advance.

The third (is it only 3 so far) reason I blog is for the simple reason that I can. I can add to the filthy, sweaty, stinky pile of consumer-created content on the web. And it's great. You may have your own opinions of my blog, and I welcome those. But I have to admit, the sheer joy I get every time I hit "Publish Post" outweighs any sense of shame I feel for publishing sheer non-sense most of the time.

So that's why I blog. I encourage any of you out there with something to say (or, if you're like me, with NOTHING to say) to give it a shot. This concludes my official "Meta-blog" on this blog.


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