Thursday, May 04, 2006

Anyone's space

Much a-do about social networking sites these days, so I decided to comment, Noonan style. Having recently ended my academic career (not that recent), I often find myself saying "I wonder what THAT guy is doing" or "Did that jackass I shared an apartment with actually get a job yet?". So, for these reasons, I've joined many a social networking site. Facebook, Friendster, and Myspace have all allowed me to get in touch with friends from the past. But what's the real value here?

After having found such individuals, usually one of us will use the site's messaging service to send a message, with something like this in the body "Hey man, long time no see. What have you been up to? We should get a drink sometime. Hit me back when you get a chance". Fairly innocuous and polite message, but still leaves the option for either individual to decide if they'd like to respond in kind. 90% of the time, the recipient will respond with something like "Dude, awesome that you found me on here. I'm working in NYC and living with (my parents, my roommate, my sexual deviant, etc.). Let's get a beer soon. Here's my cell. Later." All well and good.

But come on. We all know, unless you've kept in touch with this person over the years (and, judging by the fact that you're looking them up on one of these sites, you have not kept in touch), you're not really going to "re-live the old days" or "catch up". You have the friends you do at present for a reason: they're accessible, they don't suck that much (most of the time), or you're hooking up with one of them and she's hot. There's no need to really head back in time and reconnect. (I must say that although I preach this love 'em and leave 'em lifestyle, I have reconnected with many friends: this doesn't apply to you).

So I fail to see the real value of social networking sites, other than if you're friends with really hot girls and you're trying to make your guy friends jealous. "That's right, she's my friend, not yours dude." And yet I remain faithful, checking up on my "friends" daily. Imagine what other productive things I could do with that time. Imagine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ever see this video?