Sunday, May 21, 2006

My Weekend

So another weekend comes to a close and I must say, I'm not impressed, but I'm fairly pleased. Here goes:

Friday: Great day at the office. I spent some time getting one project done that was pretty critical with our migration and such. I left the office around 530, headed to this Mexican taco stand in Park Slope, picked up dinner, and headed home to "relax" (the term "relax" usually is reserved for people who perform strenuous tasks over a period of time, and then take another period of time to rest from those tasks..... I wonder if work really counts as one of those tasks for me..).

Saturday: Woke up early. Hung around a little, got dressed and headed into town. I'm checking out a place tomorrow up on 3rd Avenue in the high 70's. (Yeah, I'm moving... soon, I hope. Whenever I refer to an apartment I'm looking at or a place I'm seeing, they're all shares with randoms, but it's gotta be better than this hole I live in now). Anyway, I went up to 77th and Lexington, walked over to 3rd and who did I see????? That's right, JASON GIAMBI!!! The big show, so to speak!! He was walking out of his place, which is right around the corner from the place I'm going to see Monday. Naturally I said "That's Jason Giambi" loud enough for him to hear. He turned, said "Hey man, how's it going?" and then got in his big SUV. I screamed at the last minute "Good luck today man!!!"..... Pretty cool!

After walking around up there for a while, I headed down to 64th and 2nd to the movie theater. I saw The DaVinci Code (yes, by myself... first time to the movies on my own, and I have to say, it's pretty much the way to go... more on that another time). The movie was great, and I highly recommend it to anyone who has or has not read the book. I headed back to Brooklyn and met up with my friend Trevor (friend since 7th grade... this guy lives in Williamsburg with his girlfriend, Melissa... they're cool people and I'm lucky to have him as a friend) to play some tennis. This was a good time, but I could NOT get my first serve in at all. However, I did get one in, a nice spinning model, which spun right into his crotch and was blocked only by his hand that happened to be in the area... Oh well, it was a good time, though I lost.

Sunday: Got up, went to the gym. Then I did my laundry. I walked up 7th Avenue in Park Slope to get some incense as I ran out. This was a good time, but I'm not really a fan of the people that come to the neighborhood on the weekends just to "hang out in Brooklyn".... They tend to look at everyone and try to figure out who actually lives here just by how they look. GO HOME.

My dad was supposed to come in for dinner but he got held up. So I decided I'd blog. I'm going to look at some more places this week. I'd like to move June 1. Anyway, I hope you all had good weekends. I hope to blog on a regular schedule again.


Anonymous said...

oh so you talk about meeting with trevor but what about me?? a great meeting with me and i don't even get an honorable mention in your blog?? so upset..

that guy said...

Hester: You're right. I forgot most people's weekends start on Thursday! :)

Update to my post: I saw Hester and Mike on Thursday. I've known both for several years and they're both close friends. I'm not just saying that because Hester called me out either :).

Anonymous said...

excuse me.....why is it that everyone else gets shoutouts in the blog except for the most important!!!! i'm hurt noon :(

that guy said...

Also, update on this, apparently I saw both of them on Wednesday and I'm insane. Thursday and Friday both occurred after I met up with Mike and Hester... Sorry guys, it really was a good time, despite my ability to completely forget about it.