Saturday, December 02, 2006

All-consuming panic

I don't know what my deal is these past few days. Being awake at 5 a.m. on a Saturday is probably a good indicator of what I feel like right now. I wound up having one of these types of Fridays again. Let's recap the past 24 hours, just in case you weren't bored enough.

-went to work where I spent entirely too much time writing a survey for this page (please take the survey) and then battling with a designer to get the thing to launch "on activity" as a pop-under (only in IE; Firefox displays it as a pop-up). spent some time in an interesting conversation at work throughout the day (clearly much better than exercising my java script skills) with a friend.

-in the middle of all that above, we had somewhat of an impromptu pizza party at work where everyone had to go around and introduce themselves, state their position, how long they've been with the company, where they were prior to this place, where they were born, and what song they would sing if they were playing "I'm going to kill you unless you sing karaoke". (for what it's worth, I would sing this.)

-went home at 5:45 after getting the pop-under and cookie to work after 5 hours of screwing around with the thing and ordered some Chinese food. (seeing as I'm broke and it was time to pay the rent yesterday, I stayed in, watched a movie/passed out around 10:30, which is why I'm up now, at 5:11 a.m.)

Back to the title of the post. I'm not sure what the hell is going on, but as I woke up a few minutes ago, I had this feeling of sheer terror running through me. I think it might have something to do with the cheap Chinese food I ate last night, but I'm really having a hard time sleeping lately. I woke up yesterday morning to find I had removed my shirt, for some reason, in my sleep. That's clearly no reason to panic but strange crap is going on when I shut down. On more than several occasions, I've had that falling dream, when you wake up as you hit the ground and you feel like you just plummeted several hundred feet only to land on your mattress.

I keep getting the feeling that I'm being haunted. Not in the creepy ghost way (man, that would freak me out) but in the "remember when" way. Like "remember when you lived in Brooklyn and hated it because your apartment was a shit-hole?" to which I follow with "and now you miss it because you live in a soul-less neighborhood in Manhattan"? Or "remember when your company paid for 100 people to go to Puerto Rico for a week and get wasted and how much simpler your life was then"? (no need to follow up on that one).

Point is, through all this rambling muck, I've got to snap out of this funk. I'll be turning 25 soon, I suppose that has me down a bit. But it's not like I can help turning 25. Plus, as people keep telling me when I tell them I'm going to be 25, it's not like I'm turning 40. You're still young, Noonan, start acting like it! (that's the point in the post where I resort to talking to myself as an authority figure..... ). Now I think I'll try and get some sleep... or I'll stay up and panic some more.

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