Saturday, December 09, 2006

So I'm 25 now

And I guess I'm supposed to grow up at some point.

I can rent a car now. I can still legally drink. What else comes with 25? A co-worker informed me that this is the last year that "you can still act like a jackass and get drunk a lot." Apparently, at 26, you start realizing that you're getting old and need to "settle down" and find the right girl. Does that mean my tastes in women is going to completely change next year? Have I been looking for the "wrong" girl? I suppose that as you get older, the need to settle down becomes stronger. Just not at the top of my list right now, though, spending some more time with the fairer sex would be a start.

So far, 25 has brought the following with it:
1) raging hangover
2) the flu (still planning on going out tonight, though)
3) freezing cold
4) rapid depletion of my bank account

Oh, and, only 5 more years until I'm 30. I should have appreciated 24 more when it was still around.

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