Sunday, November 12, 2006

5 or 6

A few hours ago, I started watching this (I'm still watching it) and this memory came over me out of the blue. The memory is from when I was quite young, perhaps around 5 or 6 years old, on my way to school, which I absolutely hated. I used to beg my mom not to take me everyday. I hated walking in; I hated the first hour everyday. I remember what the house looks like across from my school. It had this weird red fence that used to piss me off; I definitely remember being pissed off at that fence.

One day I went to school and I remember being pretty happy. The weekend prior to this day, my mom bought me a new pair of sneakers. I thought they were the coolest sneakers and remember when I got them, I ran around in the mall, reporting back to my mom that "these ones run and jump really good, mom. thanks for buying them for me." Looking back, I remember thinking that it was the shoes that made me run and jump "really good" and couldn't possibly have anything to do with the person (me) wearing the shoes.

Anyway, for some reason, this memory came flying back into my head and I got very nostalgic for these sneakers. I find as I get older, I try sometimes to remember/revert back to when I was younger. Point is, I just spent about 2 hours on the Internet searching for these sneakers. At this point, they're "classics". Have a look: Reebok's. This version is not quite as I remember, but is pretty damn close. The pair I had when i was 5 or 6 were all canvas but the color schemes/design is pretty similar to this pair at JC Penney (honestly, I couldn't find them anywhere else).

This entire search makes me think back to the simpler days, when I was 5 or 6, and had sneakers that "ran and jumped" really good. The mall where my mom got these shoes no longer exists. It's too bad, really; there was an Orange Julius at this mall that had really good hot dogs and I guess you'd call it orange juice. (Their site now insists they offer smoothies and other crap, but back in 1986, smoothies didn't exist, shithead.) I'm not sure if it's completely ridiculous to buy a pair of shoes that remind of when you were 6 but I sure as hell would rather be reminded of when I was 6 than reminding myself that I'm almost 25.

1 comment:

Audrey. said...

Cool sneakers are always worth it.