Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Tennis anyone?

It's amazing how much lunch conversations fuel blog posts. We (the unnamed few) were sitting at lunch today discussing gym and what sports we played in school. Now, at the risk of revealing just how big of a nerd I was/am, I tried out for the tennis team at Cornwall Central High School, home to one of the most competitive tennis teams in New York. Long story short, I end up on "exhibition" meaning my games wouldn't "count" but would be more to "watch the kid that's not that good get his butt kicked."

But man, I had a great time playing tennis. I'd show up just for practice everyday just to hit around. I realized later on in college that the main reason I wasn't really that good in high school was the intimidation factor. When I play with friends I feel I really step it up a notch. Not saying I'm Pete Sampras, but I can get some velocity on the ball. I was kicked out of some park recently in Williamsburg for "playing without a permit". Yeah, one more bone to pick with the NYC Parks Department: YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TO PAY TO PLAY TENNIS.

That aside, we should play sometime. Bring your A game, Noonan doesn't mess around.

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