Monday, October 02, 2006

Yom Kippur

This holiday, as I understand from my Jewish friends and co-workers, allows one to atone for their sins. We Christians are pretty familiar with sins, regrets, and for those Catholics out there, repenting for your sins. However, I think our Jewish friends have a better idea going on.

Atonement comes right after the start of the Jewish New Year. And, from what I understand, it only comes once a year. This is great. Most Catholics are required to confess their sins on a regular basis. Being Lutheran, I've never actually had to confess, but I've thought about going, just to clear my head for all the "sins" I commit. My Catholic friends advise me that confession is no spring break. So this brings me back to the Jewish idea of atoning once a year. It's fantastic. Imagine going out 364 days a year and living it up, knowing that it's only going to cost you one day out of the year to make up for it.

Of course the last time I set foot in a house of worship (outside of a funeral or wedding) was about 5 years ago when my mom decided we needed to go to church on Christmas. While the rafters did not, in fact, catch fire causing the building to collapse, I felt like a big faker. I'm sure anyone who attends church regularly doesn't like my kind at all. So I doubt I'd be welcome at temple on the day of atonement.

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