Monday, October 30, 2006

Well, there ya go...

My attempt to post on this thing regularly has clearly failed. Last week, my site meter report told me that 8 people had visited this page in a week. "Well, there ya go...", everyone lost interest. Whatever, your loss.... because I'm posting now, and you're probably going to miss out on it... sucker.

What's going on lately? Oh, right, Halloween. I'm not bitter about this "holiday" at all. Don't get me wrong: I love an excuse to be someone you're not as much as the next guy. Maybe I lost that creative spirit somewhere along the way. Maybe it's a holiday for children, and not 24 year old guys. I remember as a kid, I was a vampire a lot.... I wore this Frankenstein mask a few years in a row too (didn't fit me the last year; had to pull it over my over-sized head). The last few years of college, I "dressed up" as a "preppy" white guy.... The joke there was that I guess I always dressed like that.... Yeah, it got a few chuckles, that was about it.

So this year, I'm doing the same thing as last year: nothing. Given that I live in Battery Park City, where there are more strollers than people who can actually walk on their own, there was a sign-up sheet in my building for "trick-or-treat friendly" apartments. You better believe neither one of my roommates signed us up for that duty. I gladly joined them in the ranks of "trick-or-treat UN-friendly" people. I'm not some guy who hates kids. I think little kids are great.... for other people. They smile and do "cute" things all the time, and that's great, and hell, sometimes I even smile watching these displays. But the thing about little kids is that right after they smile or laugh or do something cool, they SCREAM AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS on a crowded subway when I left my iPod at home and can't drown the little bastard out. Not related to Halloween at all.... oh well.

Anyway, for everyone going out this year for Halloween, I hope you enjoy yourselves. I've heard that ending up in the East Village, alone, and pissed is not the way to go..... (It's really amazing how my brain only functions in 2-hour time frames...) So if you avoid the pit of the East Village, manage to surround yourself with a friend or two (hell, just walk close to someone on the sidewalk), and are not really freaking mad about something, you too shall have a good time.... Or so it's been said.

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