Friday, October 06, 2006

Lazy Fridays

Keeping with my theme of writing about nothing, I decided to post about my Friday night routine. I thought this was purely a Brooklyn thing, but the routine stuck with me during my move to Manhattan. Here goes:

1) Get off train and walk to pizza place.
2) Get two slices to go.
3) Head to the elevator in my building thinking "I'm looking forward to staying in tonight."
4) Watch several saved shows on my DVR that I missed during the week (Cable is a virtue.)
5) Head to my bed for a "nap."
6) Wake up around 10:30 thinking "crap, I can't go to bed yet."
7) Feel bad about staying in on a Friday.
8) Wake up entirely too early on Saturday morning and do something like "Go to the gym" or "Get an early start to the day". (NOT a Saturday thing to do)

So you can see how tomorrow will go already. Great day at work. Oh, and I'm getting a Blackberry for work so I can be in touch ALL THE TIME. Surprisingly, I asked for the thing, not to be "cool" because those aren't cool anymore. I have this problem where I like my job and I want to be available for trouble-shooting, research requests, etc. I'm looking forward to my new connectivity. Who knows, maybe blogger will roll-out a Blackberry version.

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